Islamic Fraternity is an islamic organization, active in many fields as in Da’wah, Education, media, and social welfare. Being a tourist fascination for the people of different ethnicities from all the corners of the world, Kashmir produces a great opportunity for Da’wah. The president of Islamic Fraternity, along with the other activists, leaped at this opportunity by disseminating the message of Islam. With the powerful leadership of Muhammad Aamir and the dedication of all the other members of Islamic Fraternity, we became successful in establishing an Islamic Global School, which has motivated many Muslim brothers to bring their children into its enchanted Islamic atmosphere. Moreover, Islamic Fraternity publishes a monthly based magazine, The Islamic Revival. This magazine covers various Islamic News, Articles, and contemporary issues. Especially, following the values of the Quran and Sunnah, Idara Tazkeer-ul-Quran was established to provide Islamic education. Besides Da’wah programs and lectures, Islamic Literature is distributed free of cost. The center of Humanitarian Aid helps the subjugated brothers of our society and provides poor students with scholarships to pursue a better education. All these activities had been the brainchild of the growing Da’ee, Muhammad Aamir, whose effectiveness and fruitful presence in the Jum’ah prayers and khutbas in various Masajids of the valley, appeals the Muslim community to cling to the rightly guided ancestral doctrine of Islam and practice it in their lives to be blessed by Allah in this world and the hereafter.
Muhammad Aamir has shared the stage with many international scholars. The success of Islamic Fraternity in this short period, by the grace of Allah, is due to its staff’s hard work and dedication, who left no stone unturned in achieving the aims and objectives of Islamic Fraternity. In Sha Allah, in the future, we are going to establish Al-Awrah Gynae hospital, where the treatment of private ailments of the women, will be given. We also intend to establish Sawat-ul-Islam, an Islamic Radio Station, and Islamic Revival TV Channel. Moreover, we have plans to set up institutes for higher education, including medical and engineering streams, which require a large capital to establish. By keeping our faith in God Almighty, we are moving forward, surpassing all the obstacles in our way. As actions speak louder than words, sincere efforts and initiatives transcend all the borders and barriers of the path. May Almighty Allah save our intentions and good deeds as we trust Him in every affair and can fetch eternal rewards from Him Alone.
Any rational being would not gainsay the fact that the world is drowned in the extreme abyss of ignorance, brutality, arrogance, killing, and whatnot. God-fearing and tender-hearted beings can barely ignore the worldwide cries and sighs of the atrocity. To sacrifice their every drop of blood in defending Islam and its followers, the youths of different calibers, and same ideology join hands to shape themselves for the Aakhirah-oriented life, in a well-organized form of truth, peace, justice, and universal brotherhood, that is rightly symbolized by ISLAMIC FRATERNITY. Islamic Fraternity (IF), Srinagar, Kashmir, is a multifold Islamic Organization, founded in November 2006. It was initially established as an Institute aiming to impart Islamic Education. Eventually, Islamic Fraternity has expanded its sphere of activities and turned into a full-fledged Islamic Organization, active in many fields viz. Da’wah, Education, Social Welfare, and also in promoting peace and integrity. Moreover, Islamic Fraternity has played a vital role in digital media via its newspaper, website, and other Media Resources. Also, Islamic Fraternity is quite active in conducting various programs and conferences, especially regarding social and moral issues.
Aims and Objectives:
Activities of Idarah Tazkeer-ul –Qur’an for Islamic Education & Research (ITQ)
ITQ aims at providing Islamic Education, especially while following the values of the Qu’ran. ITQ educates its students with subjects like Tajweed (Quranic Phonology), Tafseer (Commentary) & Arabic without any charges.
Centre for Humanitarian Aid
The Humanitarian Aid Centre, currently, helps the downtrodden brothers of our society. To help students for pursuing their education, it grants scholarships to the destitute. Moreover, this aid Centre has helped several widows to provide for their families.
Rawzat ul Atfaal
The first of its kind in Kashmir, Rawzat ul Atfaal is a unique Islamic Preparatory school where students are taught Islamic values apart from mainstream education. Subjects like Arabic, Islamic Studies & Qur’an are ingrained in the students right from a tender age. Also, the school plays a vital role in infusing students with an Islamic etiquette of life.
The Islamic Revival
It’s the monthly newspaper published by Islamic Fraternity & is widely distributed & read all over the valley. It covers various Islamic News, Articles, and other contemporary issues.
Centre for Da’wah
Under this Centre, Islamic Fraternity organizes various Da’wah programs & lecturers throughout the valley. It distributes copies of the Holy Quran & other books with several leaflets without charging any fee.
Islamic Media & Resources Centre
All the printing of free pieces of literature & newspaper comes under it. This section is also responsible for video/ audio production of various programs & their management. This section also contains other Islamic Media resources.
Islamic Global school, Srinagar
Islamic Fraternity believes that genuine knowledge cultivates physical, mental, and spiritual abilities. The Islamic Global School is one of IF’s practical instances, with its fascinating Islamic environment of established beliefs, conduct, practice, and propagation. Alhamdulillah, we enrich Muslim children with a quality of education and prepare them to be successful in this world and the hereafter.
Girls’ wing –IF:
Da’wah amongst women deserves and should get far more attention than it already has. So far, except in a few instances, women have been distanced from the field of Da’wah work. Islamic Fraternity looked into reality and the position of women in Islamic Dawah work. Consequently, established, and is maintaining its girls’ wing for Da’wah activities amongst the sisters.
Future Plans:
Al-Awrah Gynecologist Hospital, a proposed revolutionary step to be taken by IF to maintain the Islamic principle of privacy and hijab of our sisters in Islam. Having an Islamically focused, private, and caring environment that caters to all Islamic rights, Al-Awrah shall be in the service of the Ummah in numerous ways like pre/post- operative services, 24 hrs emergency & inpatient services, painless delivery services, and whatnot. Though many have to endure an extremely uncomfortable situation in both private and public hospitals out of necessity. Alhamdulilah! Al-Awrah will be the first soul female-oriented gynecologist hospital with its established branch valley-wide. May Allah reward those who are responsible for the initiative, and bless our community with such enthusiasm for the well-being of humanity.
To spread the message of reality, peace, brotherhood, and virtuous living over the air, Islamic Fraternity (IF) will launch the first Islamic radio station broadcasted valley-wide, which will suffice people of all age groups with authentic Islamic educational and recreational programs.
Islam is the most misunderstood religion of this era. As a consequence, it bears the brunt of misconceptions and hate-propaganda. Moreover, the mass media, aligned to deceitful political and corporate interests, spreads these misconceptions virulently worldwide. While portraying Islam, integrity and reliability are skirted by the media with professional charm and finesse. Although the mainstream media covers a few wise and apt Islamic viewpoints, it deliberately highlights the aberrations by a few misled Muslims. On the other hand, Muslims have barely any hold or influence on major media, especially the TV. Consequently, instead of proving themselves in front of the world, Muslims exhibit an apologetic attitude and an inferiority complex. To fight such circumstances, a 24/7 Islamic spiritual edutainment satellite TV channel, “Islamic Revival” will be the one amongst the initiatives, having a wide range of top-rated Islamic programs, watched by millions of viewers, valley-wide.
The establishment of various institutes of higher education, for example, Higher Secondary School, Medical college, engineering college, and many others, are worth mentioning as its future projects..